I love what you've written in this article. No, you didn't get 'shut down' in a previous time: you evolved—you emerged out of a cocoon that was getting too restrictive for you, and into something much more beautiful and powerful that you could not have realized had you not transmogrified into what you are today.

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Apr 17Liked by Joe Martino

Beautifully said. It's helpful to have these reminders when I get caught up in the grind of everyday life and the noise that is constantly out there. Thank you.

As sad as it's been to watch what happened to CE happen, it seems you trust that what's next for you will "emerge" from that space you refer to... do you see yourself doing something more than what you currently do right now?

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Another great post. you deal with a question I've pondered for at least a decade now. How do you fight an enemy that has armies, navys, and nuclear weapons? Gandhi removed the British Crown from India through non violence. The money masters always reduce everything to violence, it's their game board so to speak. John Lennon said, "The establishment will irritate you, pull your beard, flick your face, anything to get you violent. Because once they get you violent they know how to handle you. The only thing they don't know how to handle is non violence and humor."

We also have to recognize that history is written by the winners of the wars. All wars since Napoleon have been funded on both sides by the same bankers. So we have been lied to for milinea at least centuries. Who really won the Revolutionary War? Our courts are controlled by the Crown of England. So, we must assume everything we have been taught is a lie until proven truthful. I like to point everyone to R. Buckminster Fuller's quote "you never change things by fighting the existing, you change things by building a new model that makes the old model obsolete!!! Society needs a re-direct to a different model. Again Great post well written and atriculated... Peace...

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Be the change you want to see in the world. 🪷

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There is so much content on the new age concept of manifestation, all of it geared towards manifesting for the self. It would be a much better thing to have content geared towards manifesting changes in global consciousness. If your thoughts build reality, why limit them to getting yourself a new car or house or romantic partner? Why not aim higher? Like maybe shifting everyone to a higher vibration. Shifting global consciousness sounds like a Sisyphean task, but it will happen one person at a time and gain exponential momentum the more people buy into the possibilities. It's kind of like doing small acts of kindness every day, it may not seem like much, but you are changing the world for somebody and those positive energies have a tendency to cause ripples.

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Apr 20Liked by Joe Martino

the hundredth monkey - my words almost exactly. i love it!

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Apr 19Liked by Joe Martino

If we can find a way to contact the Field of Being, of Pure Consciousness, we not only begin the process of purifying our inner, leaving our souls’ to be free to develop and grow , but the lower material forces that inhabit us , begin to be directed properly according to their nature.At the moment, the lower material forces rule us, we do not rule them.

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Apr 19Liked by Joe Martino

Thank you so much for that uplifting text! Loved it!

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Wow! Beautifully written. You are such a great writer.

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