Nicoli Tesla said think of everything as Energy Vibration and Frequency. There are different degrees of vibrational frequencies. How you explain attunement seems similar to what I call Walking your day in Love. Love is a high vibrational frequency, when practiced with an intention of remaining in that higher state we see the world much differently than when we live our lives based in Fear. Most people live in various degrees of fight or flight which is Fear. I would compare it to a good deep meditation session where you engauge your I AM. You get in complete alignment or attunement with your I AM and continue that level of consciousness as you walk through your day.

When you do this you see the world from a more beautiful place within you. Since you are in a higher level of vibrational frequency, you attract higher frequency thoughts and information downloads. You have a knowing of things that you could never experience while in a fear based vibrational frequency. It's like the fear creates a ceiling and you can't seem to get above that ceiling level. Too many people are addicted to the adrenaline rush from fear based living. They have the Tell-Lie-Vision blaring out fear based propaganda 24/7/365 that keeps their adrenaline addiction in tact and they just follow the programmig. Go to your doctor and ask him if this new drug is what you need because we put the suggestion into your mind through the fear based programminng.

Once you spend several days in a Love based living, you start to notice the negative programming around you and avoid it like a bad storm. You start to see the triggers that pull you out of Love and down into stress, frustration, and anger. Our society has been programmed to live in these lower vibrations and can't understand the higher levels of consiousness. They see it in others who Walk their day in Love, they are attracted to those that access those levels for most of their day. They don't really know why but they just feel better when they are around those people. Then they go back to their home and the fear machine and lower their frequency.

We are designed to access and maintain these higher levels of frequency living, Designed to Walk our day in Love! As a society we have been programmed to stay in fear because we are more easily manipulated to the scarcity mindset when in Fear. My God, Creator, Universe, what ever you want to term that higher level of LOVE that we experience when beyon this physical vehicle. For this refrence I will use God, it's shorter. My God is an abundant God! There is no Lack!!! You plant 1 seed and the plant grows, the flowers create 1000's of seeds. That's God's way. When we live in those higher levels of vibrational frequency we learn to hear think and feel at a higher level whick leads us to expanded informational context and deeper questions to ask ourselves.

This is what your article inspired from within me to explain what your atricle of attunement means to me.. Thank you for writing it and allowing me to express my view of your information... Peace...

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Agree whole heatedly. Like what you write and how you think. I have been thinking like that for many years, feels good that others also sense that.

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"Here we do things for the sake of it because it is beautiful to do it, not just to achieve something." I think much like you do. I love reading your articles.

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i remember the 1960s. For my 18th birthday my sisters got a ticket for me and a friend, to see the musical, Hair, playing at the Royal Alex in Toronto. i was blown away by the music and light show and the completely naked female performers walking on armrests in the audience with only strobe lights flashing intermittent views of bodies (thus you needed to have reached the age of majority to see it). Hair featured the song, Aquarius, by the group, The 5th Dimension. It seems you can still even catch them in Niagara Falls (ON) on May 8th (2024) with Florence LaRue as the remaining original member (age 82) https://youtu.be/VlrQ-bOzpkQ

This was when i was first introduced to the concept of the "5th dimension" as corny as it seems. By 2012 i seriously believed there was a possibility we could ascend to 5D in line with what had recently been decoded about the "end of time as we know it" from ancient Maya knowledge -- which was being promoted by spiritual teacher, Drunvalo Melchizedek, and others. i had been at the Maya temple of Tikal in Guatemala in Aug. of 1987 for Harmonic Convergence, an important milestone point for making the ascension (as channeled from the ancient Maya by José Argüelles) -- to offer myself as one of the 144,000 souls required for the critical mass threshold for everyone to be able to make the jump to 5D in 2012. The year 2012 was even preceded by Earth Sounds, deep grinding noises for which no substantive physical explanation was ever found -- heard in many parts of the planet in the summer of 2011 -- as if there was a "splitting of the worlds" occurring between those agreeing to the ascension and those who chose to stay with the vibrational status quo.

But i seem to still be 'here' now 12 years later and no one i know has suddenly disappeared off the face of the Earth either (either that , or my memory of them was also wiped at the time of their ascension). Was the ascension stopped by intervention from the Negative Alien Alliance to further their own agenda of planetary takeover, or was all of that, just a massive delusion, as many who were not old enough, or aware of these events at the time, now believe ?

Personally i haven't deserted my values nor my beliefs -- ones which i find resonance with in Grow_Wizzard's comment (above). But i have a sense that all that i once knew, and still know to be true -- is being overwritten as being an illusion -- just as the huge number of UFO sightings, alien abductions and ET contact experiences (i had one) that happened in the 70s, 80s and 90s are today deemed by many to be Bluebeamed illusions.

When i am gone and when others who still hold those memories of those happenings in those times, have also stepped into the beyond -- will that true knowing by those who were actually there, be then completely replaced by a new version of that span of time ? Has this rewriting of the past always happened, with each turning of generational epoch -- at least in significance, if not in fact -- continuing to exist for the masses, only through newly released epic films set in those times, as writers, directors and producers (all being influenced by government propaganda agendas) portray it, as it was -- or is the rewriting different in character and scope, this time ?

One of the truth statements in the movement of the 60s and 70s was "don't trust anyone over 30." Of course our naïveté exceeded our wisdom then, but still we did actually -- know stuff -- as it was, on some deep and incontrovertible by logic, level. i discussed this type of experience with a friend my age, a while ago -- and she agreed -- we just 'knew' something, that pervaded our times, that those over 30 did not -- and in the same way, we knew that everyone our age -- who was playing the latest hits, or just groov'n along -- also knew what we knew. It was a "vibe" -- there is no other, better way, to put it. And as a vibe, it pervaded us, our music, our lifestyle, and our views of the way society could be, should be.

Maybe it is the same thing in essence, that the 'screenagers' today feel in this connection over wifi and cell service ? But ours was truly organic. Of course the CIA claim they created the 60s by making large qualities of acid available to Tim Leary, but that's exactly what the CIA does -- lays claim to stuff and makes it seem they have absolute control over everything, and if anyone exposes the real truth that they are just screwing us over, in the worst way possible, they wind up dead of suicide, putting the real truth to rest in a documentary made specifically for conspiracy aficionados.

Sorry if i'm getting a bit carried away -- i think it's called "reminiscing". But i do feel that all this does actually speak to the missing part in bridging the gap between being attuned to reality as it is, and creating a better reality -- you have to feel it as emerging -- and to feel it emerging, requires being separated from the way it is presently, i.e. the sentiment, "don't trust anyone over 30." You can't just pick it up and evolve it piece by piece, because we are always, continually, creating reality in every moment, and to create the new can only be done by experiencing the new as it is there, whole -- in the eternal now. In the 60s It seemed like it happened by itself -- emerged naturally (why else would the CIA be trying to lay claim to having orchestrated it, now ?) It seems many young people then, including myself, attuned to the vibe, and created the same thing together, and felt a huge shift sweep us up, without really being aware of how that was being made to happen. It just flowed through us and among us -- and created a huge shift in society towards getting power back to the people (i'm not claiming i was instrumental in demonstrations or anything, yet i know i held the vibe). That's what i know and i continue to carry that knowing forward.

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Keenly observed and well described Joe. My body says yes 😊🙏❤️

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