There’s nothing like placing your attention on books, films or documentaries that feed into the state of being or a piece of wisdom you’re working to deepen within yourself. That’s my experience at least.
So I decided to put together a short list of films that I often go to when I’m exploring a deepening of conscious awareness in my life… as it’s a life long journey going deeper and deeper.
Admittedly I had a hard time sticking to just a few films here. We have articles on CE from over a decade ago that include hundreds of films, but I wanted to share a selection that isn’t overwhelming as everyone knows there’s too much content out there to choose from anyway. Why add to the stress of choosing?!
These films make me feel good. They provide some great reminders and contemplations. And they bring a sense of centering as well.
There are likely newer films that have come out since, but these struck a chord with me years ago and thus they have been important to my journey. Below, I outline each film and what it offers. In some cases, I included links if I found them available on YouTube.
1. I Origins - This has the best overall story, acting, and production quality by far as it’s a Hollywood-level film.
This is a fictional story that follows a material scientist who begins having synchronistic events play out in his life that he cannot ignore after he meets a free-spirited woman who becomes his girlfriend. As the film progresses, the scientist’s mind is forced to open as he explores the subject of reincarnation, following an anomaly he has no explanation for.
I love this film as it inspires us to see that even the most hardened and closed-off minds can change. I’ve seen many people who I thought would never open to conscious and metaphysical ideas become enamoured with them after experiences they cannot explain.
They become happier, their lives more enriched, and their actions begin to change. If you’re feeling a loss of hope for the state of the world right now, this film can be a great place to start.
Where to Watch - Disney+ Subscription or it can be rented online.
2. The Shift (Ambition to Meaning) - I watched this one again on my 5-day break this year, and once again it delivered in its somewhat corny way.
I was never into Wayne Dyer, nor have I read any of his books, but it is a joy to hear and watch him in this film. This film does a good job of exploring the idea of ambition and how we can get lost in it. It explores how we can arrive at meaning instead, and see what sort of ambition emerges from that sense of meaning and presence instead of a story around “what success means.”
This film also explores the type of change that occurs within us as people as we move through stages of life, and what happens to our consciousness as we have more non-dual (quantum leap) experiences.
Where to Watch - YouTube link
3. The Peaceful Warrior - Not too far off from the quality of I Origins, this film is made based on the book with the same title.
If you’re looking for an inspiring story that involves sport and performance, this is the film to go to. As a player of high-level sports for a lot of my life, this film hits a very important note around the ideal state of being while playing and training. Also, learning to accept the journey of our lives without trying to force the process or only focus on the outcome and what it might bring.
On a related note, the strange thing about modern manifestation teachers is they lack the wisdom to explore where our achievement or material desires come from. As a result, they often teach a selfish forcing of our personal agenda onto the world, no matter who it affects.
This film is great for grounding the idea of achievement, desire, and stepping into a state of being that matters most. Perhaps greatness arrives regardless.
Where to Watch - Buy or Rent from YouTube
4. Kumare - This is a documentary and it’s very well done. It follows a man who pretends to be a spiritual guru, making up teachings and practices and gathering a following, only to later reveal he was making it all up.
The lesson? Stop pedastaling people and turning them into gurus. Develop your own knowledge (which is meant to be questioned as well.)
I love this movie because it follows a fascinating journey of what can happen when we outsource our curiosity, intelligence, spiritual exploration etc. to someone or something to follow. There is nothing wrong with having a teacher or having a book to follow, it’s when it becomes a hardened truth and we lose curiosity about something outside of it.
Where to Watch - YouTube link
Honourable Mention: Conversations With God - Easily the cheesiest of them all, but still I like it from time to time, and it’s based on a true story.
Where to Watch - YouTube link
That’s it for now. Perhaps I will write about a few more in the future as there are certainly many that I’ve been moved by. I’ve also considered offering a list of the most important books I’ve read over the last 20 years or so, most that relate to consciousness, quantum mechanics, breath/embodiment/nervous system work, and new paradigms within society.
Are there any films that were impactful on your journey? Let me know in the comments.
Please add more movies. I took a course on the psychology of perception in Uni and the professor had a list of consciousness expanding movies that I sadly don't remember ...
Yes! I Origins!